Author Topic: Questions/Answers of/to a fellow Dispatcher  (Read 2025 times)


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Questions/Answers of/to a fellow Dispatcher
« on: August 06, 2020, 11:35:56 AM »
Please find below some communications that I had recently with a follow dispatcher, that might be of interest to our forum members

> Hi,
> tried searching for a solution but could not find one, so here's the first question:
> In the attached example layout, train enters from "Left" into block B0. As it does so, path is only cleared up to the end of block B0, although the signal at the end of the block is a distant signal, and thus the path should clear into block B1 and up to the first home signal.
> I tried it with "signal at block start" for block B0, that didn't help at all.
> When a train moves from B0 to B1, it naturally generates an alarm since the train did so without a route set.
I think I looked at this before - it looks familiar. I'm tending to handle incoming trains (from extern to the first block) using routing like any other routes. The routing stuff is pretty smart at this, while the incoming train handling is not handled like this (this is ancient stuff, even for CTC). It should also help to solve the problem that incoming train start always at 0 speed.
> The second question: how does one make those super blocks? Again, I tried searching but could not find any clues. I would like to use a super block for long line segments since the RTC display does not show the section from distant to home signal as a separate segment.

Here is how to do it in 8 simple easy steps (ok should be in the manual, I also plan to make a movie about it)

!. Pick up an empty unconnected block or create one.

2. In the detailed block window there is is a button to the right labelled "Make Superblock". Click on that. The layout will change to reflect this is now a superblock.

3. Locate the button "Link Superblock". Click on that one. It opens a link maintenance window with one entry. Put it aside but keep it open

4. Set the left boundary of the blocks you want to include: open detailed window for that block, select left boundary for that. Click on that with the right mouse button.

5. Simlilary set the right boundary.

6. Turn to the LinkMaintenance window. In the list you see the superblock (link type "Block"), and the blocks from step 3 and 4 (link type "LUL" and "LUR"). Double click on these lines first, then the new superblock (it has to be the last). This moves them out of the list into the fields in the top half of the window.

7. It is accepted, the button labeled "Super It" will be enabled. Click on it.

8. You're done. If you look now in the detailed block info, you'll has now connections in all for corners (the outside connection and the linkage to the stretch of blocks it represents). The outer blocks of this stretch are now connected to the superblock, where the previous boundaries have been.

> Third question (or suggestion), again related to the trains entering: would it be possible to define that the train enters at a certain speed? For example, I'm building the Oulu to Kontiomäki line, the passenger trains enter the territory at a junction at 80 km/h and accelerate while doing so, but freight trains enter at 20 to 35 km/h and start accelerating once they are almost fully clear of the entrance point.
see point one
> Fourth (sorry...) point: how to make different start times (other than 00:00) and how to place trains already on to the territory at start?

There is an option in Edit -> Params to change the general start time. Trains already on the territory at start time is no different than when you start a territory with saved data (saved some time before and you want to resume now). If you create a folder where your territory is located, you can saved file there. E.g, your scene is named "MyTerritory.ctc", create a folder named "MyTerritory" (without ".ctc") and store your saved file there. The files need to be named in a certain way, like WWHHMM where WW is the weekday, HH the hour, and MM is the minute (e,g, "MO9000" for Mondays, 9 a.m.). If you have such files, the usual start up times will be replaced according to the files found in the folder. Note, the filename is up to you, the actual start time is the time the file was saved.

This was a recent addition to CTC, so not everything is up to par.

> Fifth point: I've noticed, a peculiarity perhaps, that despite brake settings, the AI drivers are unbelievably aggressive. They hit the turnout at a slight excess speed and continue braking well below the turnout speed limit while traveling through it, then reaccelerating to turnout speed. Passenger comfort, anyone? Could this be adjusted so that the target speed is reached some distance in advance of the turnout/connector block and then retained at or slightly less than turnout speed as the train navigates through turnouts? Especially on lines fitted with ATP or ATC the speeds are brought down to controlled speed well in advance of the restriction.
Oh darn!

We're trying to replace the current run time model with a better one. There is not only the thing you're telling, but also the issue how a train behaves at very slow speed (for instance set up a helper). The other issue is the approach speed, which is currently not address in the speed restriction envelope setup for CTC trains. This is all in discussion now.

Oh, by the way, have you seen how TD3 handles speed changes? Just saying ....

> Sixth is a mere wish: when running a simulation, would it be possible to turn off the automatic closing of train details window (RunTrain window)? It would make observing the effect of acceleration/deceleration values and following the progress of the test train so much simpler.
That's easy. Will be in next version.

> Seventh: the telephone. More options for the telephoning. In Finland the drivers rarely call when they are stopped at a signal, as there is no requirement to do so. Depending on the line and service they operate they might not call at all — even if they stare at a red signal for an hour. The modern RTC has three different sources of information if the train is stopped: a GPS locator map, real-time graphical timetable tracking display and of course the CTC display, so he does not need the drivers to call about a red signal.

Seems to be different rules per company. I have an operating instruction for a German railway company which calls for the driver to call the dispatcher immediately at a red signal outside a station.
The purpose of the phone call is really that the dispatcher does not simply forget about trains waiting at a signal. Any other way to alert negligent dispatchers? (the upcoming crew time check may ultimately solve it)
There are, of  course, possibilities to change the phone option (one proposal is to not set a timer for the driver to call again.
There is also an option called "stop and process" or "permissive" stop, where a train may proceed under caution.after a stop at a red signal.

> Additionally, a red light query "Acknowledge with time" should only give the driver an estimate of how long to wait for a green signal before calling the dispatcher again. It should not be treated as an order to stay still. If the signal changes to green, the driver should simply start moving. Just change the dialog and remove the waiting, reply could be something like "At the moment we're looking about a XX-minute wait, proceed on signal indication." That's how it is done and communicated in real life.
> If you want the train to truly stay put no-matter-what, you are required to tell the driver to the effect of "Stop and stay until further notice". Conditional orders like wait for XX mins (and then leave) are prohibited in many rule books as they have caused several accidents.
it was already suggested by fellow customers, so ....
> There should also be an option to completely disable the red light phone calls. I'm considering making a transit-style territory where the drivers would mostly not be calling for red signals, since it is not done in transit systems I am familiar with.
Would "stop and proceed" mentioned above fit the bill?


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Re: Questions/Answers of/to a fellow Dispatcher
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2020, 09:19:08 AM »
Just an update: Point 6 is now included in Release 5.1. Since that includes an urgent correction thus is the only one that made it in.

For Point 2 we refer to an added section in the CTC Manual.